I love the Fall. I love the leaves and the cool weather. I love burning my wood stove and cooking soups and stews on it that simmer all day long.
I love drinking tea and cocoa. Fall is the time of year I do most of my reflection. I truly give thanks for the plentiful summer and the harvest being in.
As a homesteader and gardener, the fall is time to plan for next season and put your gardens to rest for the winter.
We gather fire wood and kindling.
We take long walks with the dog.
We stop and chat with neighbors.
We bake goodies to share.
We press cider.
I also start working on my Christmas craft projects and gifts.
I take stalk of all our accomplishments and dream of what the next season will hold. I plan like no ones business. Speaking of plans...we are going back to the Cape for Thanksgiving. I am so looking forward to it. Two days or so to spend with family, and do some work packing in the house. Then back here the next day.
I have never traveled on the busiest travel day of the year for good reason. I mean come on, it's crazy town out there. Now that we are 5 hours drive from family, we are going to be one of those crazy people on the road. My plan is to leave at midnight Wednesday night and be through the city before other people are even thinking about getting up to put the turkey in the oven Thursday morning.
We get to our house on the Cape, take a nap, get some baking done, and head out to our family's house to have a wonderful meal and great conversation.
We have some wonderful neighbors that have volunteered to take care of the chickens and the cat while we are away. I fell so blessed for this opportunity to travel, because I know it will be few and far between that I will get to take trips for more than a night away in the future.
Be thankful, be grateful, and be as kind and loving as you can be.

Welcome to our adventure! We are on a mission to become more self sufficient and as sustainable and close to nature as we can. Living a frugal and wholesome life, like our grandparents did before us. If you like to garden, craft, cook and enjoy animals then this is the blog for you. Homesteading is a way of life, and we plan on living it to the fullest. Please follow our journey here, and on our Pinterest, Facebook page, Google+ and YouTube channel. I promise it is never a dull moment here.
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